For especially my younger readers:
this is a very long lesson. Here is its main idea. Arrogance or pride is one of the causes for us to disrespect one another,
and it should never find comfort at all in the hearts of believers in Allah (S.W.A.); the other cause is
spite which you will read about later.
Social Law
One to Another
must treat one another with respect, love and kindness. The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) recommends that we should respect others
of the same age like us as we would want to be respected. Then we should respect our elders like we would respect our parents,
and then the young must respect the older children, but the older children must be kind to the young. Having respect for fellow
men and life in general is a sign of respect for Allah (S.W.A) who created all. Allah (S.W.A) informs us that he created us
differently, and ranked us one above another, and made some of us poor and others rich – all for a test and not in any
way a reason to despise one another. Every human being is a noble, unique, and precious creature of Allah (S.W.A). This
is what Allah (S.W.A) has to say,
“Oh mankind! We
created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each other
(not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.
And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things) (49:13).”
“See how we have bestowed
more on some than on others; but verily the Hereafter is more in rank and gradation and more in excellence (17:21).”
“It is not your wealth
or your sons that will bring you nearer to us (Allah) in degree: but only those who believe and work righteousness –
these are the ones for whom there is a multiplied reward for their deeds, while secure they (reside) in the dwellings on high!
“Your riches and your children may be but a trial: but in the presence of Allah is the highest
reward. (64:16)”
friends let us not let the gifts Allah (S.W.A) has given us be a cause of diversion for us from the straight way. These special
gifts may include wealth, beauty, intelligence, character, kindness, charisma, etc. These are tools Allah (S.W.A) gave us
to serve, to obey and to worship Him. It is up to us to look for these special gifts in us and use them correctly, and never
to let them be a cause for our failure. Allah counsels us;
“And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah and make not your own
hands contribute to your (destruction); but do good; for Allah loves those who do good (2:195)”
Let us
consider in perspective one gift of Allah (S.W.A) which is commonly abused– beauty. If your gift is beauty, you can
serve Allah (S.W.A) with it by taking care of it and maintaining it for yourself, for those related to you (but you can’t
marry), and above all, for your spouse. You can obey Allah (S.W.A) with your beauty by not displaying it as if it were your
own property, and thereby causing trouble for those whom Allah (S.W.A) describes as having a disease in their hearts, or simply
causing temptation for the normal ones. You can worship Allah (S.W.A) with your beauty by thanking him for making you one
of those many things that make the world a very beautiful place. This is the right way to use the gift of beauty. To misuse
it would be to become arrogant about it and look down upon those who lack the gift; to illegally dispose of it in ways Allah
(S.W.A) would not approve, and to use it to cause trouble for other people.
All our God-given gifts are a test. They
are tools Allah (S.W.A) armed us with to use and relearn to obey Him. Allah (S.W.A) is going to ask us how well we used His
tools for service, worship, and obedience of him. We should understand that whatever we have is from our God and should not
be a cause for us to become puffed up with pride. We should not allow ourselves
to descend to the level of those who would be punished for misusing Allah (S.W.A)’s gifts. Allah (S.W.A) speaks,
“That was because you were wont to rejoice on the earth in things other
than the truth, and that you were wont to be insolent (40:75).”
“Enter you the gates of hell, to dwell
therein and evil is (this) abode of the arrogant! (40:76)”
Being puffed up with pride instead of serving
Allah (S.W.A) with our gifts would be misuse of these God-given gifts. The perfect way to cure pride is always to remember
that whatever we have or whatever we are is just a gift from Allah (S.W.A), and therefore, we thank him for having passed
the blessing through us by saying ‘All praise are due to Allah (S.W.A)’ (Alhamdullillah).
Henceforth, we must strive and always keep it in mind that our gifts are not for us to boast about, but we must produce results
with them for the owner of them. These special gifts are just leased property.
We have to return them together with what we have reaped with them. If we use these tools wisely, we would succeed by
being gifted with eternal life. On the other hand if we misuse or neglect these tools, we will be called upon to pay for our
misuse and neglect. Don’t forget. We are here on earth to tame our wills to abide by the will of Allah (S.W.A). In return
Allah (S.W.A) will reward us with eternal life. Remember Shaitan used this eternal life prospect as a bait to make our father,
Adam (A.S) to disobey his beloved creator. He is not going to let us go easy without pushing us off the right track. With
the same determination he used to destroy our father, he is using it right now to make us forget our real purpose on this
planet. Allah narrates,
“He said (Shaitan): ‘Because
you have thrown me out of the way, Lo! I will lie in wait for them on your straight way: (7:16)”
will I (Shaitan) assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left: nor will you find in most
of them gratitude (7:17)”
Allah (S.W.A) warns us,
not the evil one hinder you for he is to you an enemy avowed. (43:62)”
Don’t expect Shaitan to
come swooping down from the sky in a black cape. The evil one is much closer than we think. He can come in the form of a person
who encourages us to disobey Allah (S.W.A), who teaches us harmful habits, who creates false desires in us for things we really
don’t need. Shaitan can even use us by inflating our egos, by making us fall in love with vanity, by blinding us to
Allah (S.W.A)’s gifts and thus we become ungrateful. Shaitan is laziness that binds us in our beds or on the computer
or on the T.V. and prevents us from performing our salah, helping others or ourselves. Watch out for these – vanity,
ungratefulness, false hopes and desires, destructive behavior, shame, filth, nakedness, stagnancy, negativity, pride, being
spiteful, anger, hate, and grouchiness are some of Shaitan’s marks. It is almost impossible to win the battle with the
evil one because as Allah (S.W.A) says, he watches us from a position we can’t see him. This means that while we can’t
know what he is planning for us, he knows our plans and our needs, so he uses them against us. However, the only way to defeat
this sneaky whisperer of evil is to hold on tightly to Allah (S.W.A) by doing His duty sincerely with the gifts He gave us.
Also trusting Allah (S.W.A) with our lives’ needs and keeping our hopes
alive for his deliverance of us from whatever difficulties we may encounter is also another formidable block to keep the evil
Shaitan at bay and from reaching us. Then the evil one will have no power over us, either to cause failure of self or causing
hatred among us. Allah (S.W.A) warns us,
“Oh you who believe! Follow not Shaitan’s footsteps; if
any will follow the footsteps of Shaitan, he will but command what is shameful and wrong; and were it not for the grace and
mercy of Allah on you, not one of you would ever have been pure: but Allah does purify whom He pleases, and Allah is One who
hears and knows all things. (24:21)”
Here Allah (S.W.A) admonishes us,
“Oh you who
believe! Do your duty to Allah. Seek the means of approach onto him, and strive with might and main in his cause: that you
may prosper. (5:35)”
”No authority has he (Shaitan) over those who believe
and put their trust in their Lord (16:99)”
“(Shaitan) said: ‘Oh my
Lord! Because you have put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all
in the wrong – (15:39)”
your servants among them sincere and purified (15:40)”
(Shaitan’s) authority is over those only who take him as patron and who join partners with Allah. (16:100)
is not a joke.
Shaitan is real as is Allah (S.W.A). For us to win we have to kill the base desires we may harbor in our souls, for these
lead to Shaitan’s way – the way to destruction. Guess what, not one man apart from Prophet Noah, Prophet Adam
and Hawa (A.S) has lived more than 200 years. This simply means that we have a very limited time to save ourselves from this
catastrophe. Allah (S.W.A) explains the point clearly to us:
“Do men think they will be left alone on saying, ‘We believe’,
and that they will not be tested (29:2)?”
“We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know
those who are true from those who are false (29:3).”
“Do those who practice evil think that they will get
the better of us? Evil is their judgment! (29:4)”
“For those whose hopes are in the meeting with Allah
(in the hereafter, let them strive); for the term (appointed) by Allah is surely coming: and He hears and knows (All things)
“And if any strive (with might and main), they do so for their own souls; for Allah is free of
all needs from all creation (29:6).”
“Those who believe and work righteous deeds – from them shall
we blot out all evil (that may be) in them, and we shall reward them according to the best of their deeds. (29:7)”
(S.W.A)’s testing is not to trick us to falling into sin, but He leaves us freedom of choice between doing right
or wrong. The only logical way to succeed with our God-given gifts in face of many of Shaitan’s temptations is to cooperate
together and use our gifts for the maximum benefit for one and all. Allah (S.W.A)
guarantees his help for us if we do this. He says,
“To each is a goal which Allah turns him: then strive
together towards all that is good. Whosesoever you are, Allah will bring you together. For Allah has power over all things.
This cooperation is only
affordable by those who treat one another with respect.