Example 3 – The Mall Culture
We must eye the mall culture without blinking. A market place is a place for buying or selling things. Markets
are often crowded and noisy places where people of all backgrounds mingle. A person who has no business buying or selling
anything, would certainly have no business in the market place. The market place is certainly no place for pastime. Malls
are market places with enclosures and air-conditioning. Malls are modernized market places with improved security for the
people. Nonetheless, malls, like market places, are centers that facilitate moral decay. Malls must be visited with a firm
purpose in mind. The purpose may be a game of bowling, a dinner, or buying something. Anyone who desires chastity must not
go to malls to loiter. I am afraid; malls are very popular places for us nowadays to spend our free time.
As believers, we must give serious thought to the precious
time we burn loitering in malls, plus the negative influences that we could acquire from there.