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Lesson Thirty-six: Obstacles To Obedience ( Part I ) cntnd
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Gray Areas and Obedience
Taking Allah (S.W.A) as our sole Master clears Gray Areas.

And why should we not work for Allah (S.W.A)? Apart from clarifying our minds, having only one master to answer to,it also has many more advantages, and it is the only way to true success.When we work for Allah (S.W.A), we will get the prestige, the wealth, the status etc. Remember, Allah (S.W.A) said He will not ask for our earnings if we do not transgress. All Allah (S.W.A) wants is for us to work for Him because to work for Him is to ensure quality work devoid of selfish considerations which could lead to a blurred vision. To work for Allah (S.W.A) focuses the mind, clarifies the goals, and invigorates the worker. In other words, to work for Allah (S.W.A) ensures good service and a good product. Again, to work for Allah (S.W.A) does not only allow us to enjoy the benefits of a good product as we ever dreamt, but Allah (S.W.A) promises us a great reward in the Hereafter. Allah (S.W.A) appeals to our common sense to consider the situation carefully. He speaks:
“The (material) things which you are given are but the conveniences of this life and the glitter thereof; but that which is with Allah (S.W.A) is better and more enduring: will you then not be wise (28:60)?
"Are (these two) alike? – one to whom we have made a goodly promise, and who is going to reach its (fulfillment). And one to whom we have given the good things of this life but who, on the day of Judgment, is to be among those brought up for punishment (28:61).”
To live for Allah (S.W.A) is like hitting two birds with one stone. He does not only guarantee our worldly expectations for our work, but the work done for His sake in this world will be used to earn us the eternal life in the hereafter. The payment or reward in the hereafter will be much better and more lasting than the earthly reward for the same work . If you are still not convinced about living for Allah (S.W.A), then consider this. Allah (S.W.A) speaks:
"Oh my servants who believe! Truly, spacious is my earth: therefore serve you me – and me alone (29:56)!
"Every soul shall have a taste of death: In the end, to us shall you be brought back (29:57)."
"But those who believe, and work righteousness – to them shall we give a home in heaven – lofty mansions beneath which rivers flow – to dwell therein forever – an excellent reward for those who do (good) (29:58)."
"Those who persevere in patience and put their trust in their Lord and cherisher (29:59),"
"How many are the creatures that carry not their own sustenance? It is Allah who feeds them and you, for he hears and knows (all things)(29:60)."
"If indeed you ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon  (to his law), they will certainly reply, ‘Allah’. How then are they deluded away (from the truth)(29:61)?"
"Allah enlarges the sustenance, which he gives to whichever of his servants, whom he pleases, and he similarly grants by strict measure as he pleases for Allah has full knowledge of all things (29:62).”
Most of the excuses we can present for not serving Allah are hereupon answered in the above verses. If the place of our residence is restricting us to serve Allah (S.W.A), we must move to another place where we can do so; Allah (S.W.A) wants us to trust him just as those poor animals that have no refrigerators to keep their food to unsure supplies for the tomorrow. He takes care of them and He will take care of us.He insists that even if we may stubbornly reject him, subconsciously, we know he exists. Besides, our success or failure in our work does not at all depend on our effort or politics at all; it is according to Allah (S.W.A)’s plan. There is not much choice or room left for us to serve other than Allah (S.W.A).
So go ahead; read the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith (sayings of the prophet, Muhammad (S.A.W)), and the gray areas in your decisions will be kept to a bare minimum. I have added Hadith here for a very good reason. Hadiths or the practice and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) are a great source of wisdom. In his last sermon to the faithful, the Prophet (S.A.W) said that he left us two things – the Holy Qur’an and his Sunnah ( the Prophet (S.A.W)’s way of life); and that whoever would follow the two, would not go astray. Therefore, if we want directions to this earthly life and in the hereafter, the map is the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Qur'an decrees and the Sunnah explains. The two are like a torch. The Qur'an empowers and the Sunnah illuminates.
To Be Continued


