Anger is not an asset;
it is a disease that will harm us if left unattended. No door must be opened for it, and if it happens to sneak into our
hearts through cracks in our defences, it should be expelled immediately. This is how:
1. We must
treat all that happens to us as a trial from God and act accordingly
Allah (S.W.A) warns, guides, and
at the same time, gives us hope for dealing with our anger. He speaks:
“And the messengers
whom we sent before you were all (men) who ate food and walked through the streets: we have made some of you as a trial for
others: will you have patience? For Allah is one who sees (all things) (25:20)
Be sure we shall test you with something
of fear, and hunger, some loss in goods or lives, or the (fruits of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently
persevere (2:155)
Who say, when afflicted with a calamity: ‘To Allah we belong and to him is our return’
(2:156) –
They are those on whom (descend) blessings from their Lord, and mercy, and they are the ones who receive
guidance (2:157)”
The Baganda people
“What is already foreseen causes less damage”
Things that happen
to us, good or bad, are a test from Allah (S.W.A) to strengthen our charachters. We must view them from that perspective and
react appropriately in order to maximize our marks on the test. Blaming others or ourselves for our problems causes anger.
Anger is a very wrong choice of reaction, so we should never pick it. Prayer and patience have a much better ranking in contrast.
Second, we must remember that if we are experiencing problems, there are other people who have the same or worse problems
than our own. This may counsel us to feel a little bit blessed and hence grateful, as opposed to feeling condemned, resentful
and angry.
2. We should
look for opportunities in our problems
We must turn whatever happens to us into a learning experience.
Annoyances can be great lessons to us. The Baganda people say:
”One who chases you, forces you
to discover ways you would not otherwise have thought about before”
People who compliment us make us
feel good and maintain standards. However, those who criticize our weaknesses are the ones who push us to new heights of improvement,
development and growth. It is better to keep on growing than to remain good but stagnant. Those who point out our weaknesses
force us to do something about it and overcome them. This though cannot happen if we frown at all criticism. Not all criticism
is bad. There are two types of criticism: positive constructive and negative destructive.
Make use of the positive constructive criticism.
Positive Constructive criticism
Positive constructive criticism points out weaknesses within us
as individuals. The criticizer in this category always intends to improve us; to make us better people. Examples in this category
include parents, friends, teachers, and sometimes, our enemies. Do not discard all what enemies say. Pick out what is useful
and use it, and forgive and ignore what is useless. Positive criticism is a great tutor.
Negative Criticism
This is the bad one and
very dangerous. It is spread almost always for the purposes of control. It is aimed at causing anger that weakens the human
soul. Negative criticism embarrasses and disgraces the victim. Negative criticism always comes in general statements. For
”This group
of people is weak;
“This group of people
has little brains, so they can not learn mathematics;
“This group of people
is …”
We must always remember
that what is true for one may not be true for all, and that what is true for most may not be true for the individual. If an
individual or individuals in the group have the weaknesses pointed out in the criticism, they should fix them. Otherwise,
the rest of the group must forgive the insult, ignore it completely and never think that what is true to some member s of
the group is necessarily true for them all.
To Be Continued...