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Lesson Twenty Seven: Indirect Obedience ( Part II F) CNTND

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Example 6: The Notion of Nation and Race

Another problem closely related to race and nation is color. The evil one has used the variation in our skin color to cause dissention (fitnah) and division among us. He has caused hatred, prejudices, pride and rejection to gnaw on the bond of brotherhood that holds the Ummah a one united body . These are all diseases of the heart. They are all obstructions in the way of our duty to serve Allah (S.W.A). Our color variations have no contribution or effect, or link, whatsoever, to our spiritual development, or the lack of it . Good and evil have no color. A black man may be as good as an angel, and a white man may be as evil as the devil himself. For example, the serial killers, many of them are not black. On the other hand a white man may be as good as an angel and a black man may be evil. Black people are being harassed very much and treated badly because of their color. They are covered all over with physical, psychological, sociological, economical and political bruises because of this harassment and treatment. Dear brothers and sisters, this has got to stop. It is a great sin against these people. If on the Day of Judgment black people insist on being paid back for their suffering, they may deplete our savings of good deeds. For all my brothers and sister who have dark pigmentation, you should not be sad because of your color. Your color stands for fertility; your color stands for youth; your color stands for good health; your color is majestic, and Allah (S.W.A), Lord of Majesty, loves it. Stop feeling small and out of place because of your color. These reactions mean that you, too, concur with those who find fault with your color. This makes you equally blameworthy as those demeaning that which Allah (S.W.A) created.

Oh you who believe and want to improve your spiritual well-being, this is Allah (S.W.A)’s stand on color, and it should be our own. Allah (S.W.A) speaks:

“Don’t you see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, with it We (Allah) then do bring out produce of various colors. And in the mountains are tracts, white and red, of various shades of color, and black intense in hue. (35:27)”

“And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colors. Those truly fear Allah among His servants, who have knowledge: For Allah is exulted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. (35:28)”

A black man is no better than a white man nor a white man better than a black man. The best amongst us is one who obeys Allah (S.W.A) most. For our own good we have to learn this. It is a sorry state that people are raised up seeing and hearing rejection and demeaning language about black people. Hard as it may be to change, we must do it; Allah (S.W.A) will never accept our lame excuses of sociological factors being the cause of our less than humane attitude towards black people. Our remedy is to ask Allah (S.W.A)’s forgiveness and either leave the black people alone for who they are, or even better, help them grow in ways that are beneficial to them. Caution: in so doing, we must assume a brotherly stance and not that of a shepherd and his sheep. We must treat black people as we want ourselves to be treated. If not, then we must leave them alone, and their creator will take care of them.

Oh my brothers of color, don’t reject your brothers who belittle you, and more important, don’t reject yourselves. If your brothers treat you badly, know that they are sick patients needing your care. Take this, your brothers’ sickness, as an opportunity for you to serve Allah (S.W.A). Let us make our brothers and sisters realize that they are committing a grave sin. We can do this by ignoring, forgiving, laughing at the rediculousness of their insults and above all forgetting all their insults, thewhile, staying firm and sturdy as brothers. Teach them what makes humanity the best of created beings- kindness, care and brotherly love. Never hate them, never despise them and never reject them. With time, they will overcome their ailment. Give them a chance to grow and mature out of this color prejudice. Meanwhile, be patient and persevere knowing that their prejudices are baseless. Continue to do good, to be fair and to be just to them. Do what is right. Be you the big and the more mature brothers. That is the true spirit of Islam. Truly, one who is not patient may never succeed serving Allah (S.W.A) and may never enjoy witnessing Allah (S.W.A) working through his/her life. We can never heal our brothers if we cut off brotherly relationships. You are the only ones who can save the Ummah. If they anger you, whip them if you like, but the Ummah cannot afford anger, hate and rejection of them. There is only one Ummah; black, white, yellow, big, small, short, or tall; we should all bow to nothing but to the Will of Allah (S.W.A). Let us all serve Allah (S.W.A). Find something you really want to do and in Allah (S.W.A)’s name go ahead and do that. Avoid all obstacles that may thwart your effort. If we do not stick together, we will certainly be lost indeed. We cannot let our differences get in the way of serving Allah (S.W.A). We must turn our differences into an attraction to togetherness, the while, adding flavor and strength to the diversified whole – the Ummah. Let us all learn from this hadith:
“It is reported in a Hadith that the prophet smiled. Omar (A.S) asked, ‘What is it that amuses you, Oh Messenger of Allah?’ The Messenger of Allah answered, ‘I see two men among my people who are in front of Allah most high. One said ‘Oh lord! Take from this man that which is rightfully mine!’ Allah (S.W.A) tells the other man, ‘Give to your brother what belongs to him!’. The usurper responds ‘Oh Lord! I have no good deeds with which to repay this man’. Allah (S.W.A) turns to the wronged one and says, ‘What should I do to your brother? He has nothing left to give you’. The wronged one says ‘Oh Lord, let him take some of my sins.’

With tears in his eyes, the Messenger of Allah (S.W.A) said, ‘That day is a day of judgment. That day is a day when each man will wish others to carry his sins.’ Then he continued to relate the story: ‘After the wronged man has wished the usurper to take over some of his sins, Allah (S.W.A) asks him to lift his head and look at Paradise
. He says, ‘Oh Lord, I see cities of silver and palaces of gold bedecked with pearls. For which prophet, which righteous person, which martyr are these palaces?’ Allah (S.W.A) says, ‘They are for those who can pay their price.’ The man says, ‘How, oh my Lord? I have nothing. What could I do to gain the price of paradise?’ Allah (S.W.A) who acts and distributes in justice and fairness says, ‘By forgiving your brother, by giving up your claim in that which he took from you’. The wronged man says, ‘I forgive him, my Lord. I do not want my right.’ Allah (S.W.A) the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious says, ‘Then hold your brother’s hand and enter my paradise together.’

Then the Messenger of Allah (S.W.A) said, ‘Fear Allah (S.W.A) and fear doing harm to each other and make peace among yourselves, for Allah (S.W.A) will make peace between the believers on the Day of Judgment.’”